The second pillar of Islam is prayer . A Muslim performs prayer five times aday.Prayer is the link that is between aworshipping Muslim and Allah Glory be to Him
Prayer should be proceeded by Abulation as external purification,taking into consedration that internal purification is equally important .It is through the daily five prayers that aMuslim has his minor sins cleaned away.As for the major sins ,they are forgiven by
Allah Glory be to Him through sincere repentance
الركن الثانى فى الاسلام هو الصلاة.والتى يؤديها المسلم خمس مرات فى اليوم والليلة.فالصلاة صلة بين العبد والله سبحانه وتعالى.
ولابد ان يسبق الوضؤ الصلاة كطهارة خارجية مع الاخذ فى الاعتبار ان الطهارة الداخلية مهمة ايضاَ.والصلوات الخمس مكفرات لصغائر الذنوب .اما الكبائر فيغفرها الله سبحانه وتعالى اذا تاب العبد اليه توبة نصوحة.